Female Youthfulness & Breast Care
Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) is a fantastic herb with numerous benefits that can be used for medical, food supplementation, and cosmetic purposes. P. Mirifica is the only plant that contains the compounds miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol. P. Mirifica has been widely reported to help provide nutritional support to the female body, particularly breast enlargement, thanks to these compounds.
The plant species is high in phytoestrogens, and postmenopausal women in Thailand have been consuming it for more than a century, citing its estrogen-boosting properties. P. mirifica is commonly used in traditional Thai medicine as a skin moisturizer, to improve hair regrowth, to improve body flexibility and sexual performance, and to firm and enlarge the breasts.
What is P. Mirifica Used For?
Most commercial pueraria products include rejuvenating, anti-aging, skin lightening or gels, beauty soaps, capsules or tablets to increase appetite, widen breasts, modulate hair growth or replenishment, and other rejuvenating applications. Medical literature indicates the use of the herb in menopause, as well as in osteoporosis and cancer.
Traditional Health Benefits of Pueraria Mirifica
- Alleviates Symptoms of Menopause
- May Support Vagina Health
- May Increase Bust Size
- Supports Bone Health
- Rich in Antioxidants
- Have Anti-cancer Activity
- May Promote Health Health
- May Support Brain Health
Pueraria Mirifica Potential Benefits
- Breast Growth
The herb P. mirifica is commonly utilized in rejuvenating for youthfulness in men and women. Its roots are claimed to have great estrogenic effects. The roots of Pueraria mirifica contain a chemical that is similar to the female hormone estrogen called Miroestrol. In Thailand, the supplement is apparently mainly used as a folk remedy for menopause. However, in Japan it is claimed to increase breast size and aid in weight loss, among other things.
Miroestrol is regarded to be similar to estriol, which is considered the safest estromagnetic agent for humans. Instead of any other breast expansion herb, a number of ladies choose Pueraria Mirifica because Pueraria Mirifica is the only plant which includes Miroestrol, bioidentical with human hormone estriol.The phytoestrogens found in Pueraria Mirifica, such as miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, are much stronger than soy or red clover isoflavones and are currently being studied for possible use in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.
Isoflavones have been shown to promote firmer, enhanced, and uplifted breasts, as well as to alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve skin tone. Most women noticed noticeable breast growth and firmness after using products containing high quality forms of isoflavones for a few months. Further research in England discovered that the plant also has a positive effect on the skin, hair, and breasts. Breast Actives enhancement cream is formulated in response to such research findings.
- Hair Growth
The root of P. Mirifca contains phytoestrogen compounds that have estrogenic properties which is used as an anti-aging supplement and to alleviate menopausal symptoms such as vaginal dryness and hot flashes.
Pueraria mirifica, on the other hand, is typically marketed as a hair loss which many people are unaware of. Pueraria mirifica, in essence, cleanses clogged hair follicles, balances hormones, increases blood flow, promotes healthy hair growth, and nourishes the scalp and hair follicles to prevent hair loss.
Hair loss may also be caused by a lack of nutrients and blood to your scalp. Pueraria promotes heart health by increasing blood circulation throughout the body and promoting hair health.
- Weight Gain
Pueraria Mirifica can also help with weight loss caused by hormonal imbalances. The hormonal imbalance induced by PMS is one of the reasons why older women gain so much weight. Burning calories and being a gym rat won’t save you from gaining undesirable body weight when your hormones are all out to cause havoc.
You may keep your hormones in check and avoid weight-related hormonal difficulties by using the Pueraria Mirifica extract on a regular basis. Hormonal imbalances, such as insulin and thyroid imbalances, can cause your body’s natural order to be disrupted. During menopause, your bodily system undergoes significant changes.
- Cancer Prevention
Another Pueraria mirifica’s potential health advantage is its ability to slow cancer cell and tumor growth. Some tests show that the plant and its phytoestrogen components can suppress the growth of numerous cell lines of breast cancer.
In addition, after supplementation with a certain chemical produced from Kwao Krua known as miroestrol, a study demonstrated a cancer-controlled effect in mice.
Though these results are intriguing, the involvement of this plant supplement in the prevention of cancer in humans still has been too early to be decisive. Further research is needed.
- Vaginal Health & Youthfulness
Pueraria is in charge of keeping your body’s estrogen levels stable. Estrogen is well known to play a variety of important roles in your health, including those of your genital organs. Some of its advantages are increasing the thickness of your vaginal walls, maintaining the strength of your vaginal and pelvic muscles by increasing muscle fiber, maintaining proper moist and healthy pH by keeping the tissue inside your vag secreting fluid.
Lastly, it also helps stimulate the gland to release lubrication in response to sexual function.
- Sexual Function
With the increased hormone, Pueraria Mirifica also helps you to improve your sexual health, due to its effects on both the amount and the balance of your body hormones. These sexual health improvements include increased libido and sexual feelings, more intense sexual sensations and the relief of vaginal dryness.
- Menopause Symptoms
Phytoestrogens are plant chemicals that have estrogen-like properties. Pueraria mirifica is commonly used to alleviate menopausal symptoms since it is high in phytoestrogens.
After therapy with Pueraria Mirifica, small human studies have shown considerable improvements in a variety of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, vaginal dryness, irritability, and irregular or nonexistent periods.
P. Mirifica Potential Benefits for Men
- Male Breast Growth
Nowadays, many men are becoming more conscious of their health and youthfulness. Pueraria Mirifica does not only provide breast development for women but for men.
If you are looking for natural breast growth for men, this miracle herb might be the answer you are looking for.
Men can benefit from Pueraria Mirfica on breast growth as well. As it contains phytoestrogens, it greatly boosts estrogen activity. This hormone is responsible for breast growth, among others. Since men have lower estrogen levels, their breasts do not grow as big as women’s breasts do. Pueraria Mirifica is also used among transgenders to improve bust size as well. It aids immensely in transgender men as it reduces testosterone levels, making the skin smoother and the hair on their body less. If you are looking for more natural means, It is a wonderful plant that will offer a complete transformation. However, due to hormonal differences, it might take longer to see results.
- P. Mirifica For Hair Loss Prevention in Men
Another Pueraria Mirifica benefit for males, according to studies, is that it promotes hair development. In fact, when Pueraria Mirifica is taken with an anti-androgen like Saw Palmetto, it helps prevent testosterone from turning to DHT, a strong testosterone that blocks estrogen and may contribute to hair loss, according to one study.
Another study conducted in Northern Thailand found that taking Pueraria Mirifica in modest doses helped men preserve their black hair far into their 80s, enhanced libido, nourished the skin, improved memory, and reduced disease in both genders.
Other Name(s):
Bidarikand, Daidzein, Dolichos hirsutus, Dolichos lobatus, Fen Ke, Fenge, Gange, Ge Gen, Gegen, Indian Kudzu, Isoflavone, Isoflavones, Japanese Arrowroot, Kakkon, Kudsu, Kudzu Vine, Kwaao Khruea, Mealy Kudzu, Neustanthus chinensis, Pachyrhizus thunbergianus, Pueraria, Pueraria candollei, Pueraria hirsuta, Pueraria lobata, Pueraria lobata var. chinensis, Pueraria mirifica, Pueraria montana var. lobata, Pueraria montana var. thomsonii, Pueraria pseudohirsuta, Pueraria Root, Pueraria thomsonii, Pueraria thunbergiana, Pueraria tuberosa, Radix Puerariae, Red Indian Kudzu, Thai Kudzu Root Extract, Vidarikand, Vigne Kudzu, White Indian Kudzu, Yege.
Analytical marker / Active principle
The phytoestrogens deoxymiroestrol and miroestrol are found only in Pueraria mirifica. They are far more potent than soy or red clover isoflavones. Furthermore, many phytoestrogens are present, including Daidzein, Genistein, Daidazin, Genistin, Puerarin, Mirificin, and Kwakhurin.

There is currently insufficient scientific research to identify an appropriate range of Pueraria Mirifica dosages. Note that it is not necessarily safe to use natural products, and dosages may be significant.
Due to the absence of clinical data and phytoestrogen activity of plants, avoid using during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
If you are allergic to any of the product’s components, avoid using it. Pueraria should be used with caution if you have an estrogen-dependent neoplasia, pulmonary embolism, liver dysfunction or disease, or anemia due to its phytoestrogen-like effects.
The possible side effects of p. mirifica include:
- Bloating.
- Breast tenderness.
- Headache.
- Weight changes.
- Irregular periods.
See Pueraria Mirifica Products