Butea Superba Herbal Capsules
Product Details:
Scientific Name: Butea superba
Common Name: Butea Gum Tree, Buteae, Flamme de la Forêt, Kwao Krua Dang, Kwao
Krua Rouge, Red Kwao Krua, Red Kwao Krua Daeng
Inci name: –
Source: Root
Type: Capsule
Applications: Cosmetics, Food Grade, Cosmeceuticals, Health Food
Pack Size: 500 Capsules. – 6000 Capsules., customized size available
Shelf life: 4 years
Botanical Description:
Butea superba is widely used by Thai men for its rejuvenating and virility-enhancing
properties. Middle-aged and older men in Asia utilize Butea Superba as a sex
enhancer, tonic, and virility enhancer. Its molecular structure makes it a natural PDE
5 inhibitor, which makes it an excellent natural male enhancer. Butea Superba is
known to help with vasodilation, according to study.
There is also an increase in energy without an increase in nervous system
stimulation, according to the subjects. Butea Superba has been used safely for a
long time with no known negative side effects. In various studies, Butea Superba has
been shown to have a variety of health advantages, with a focus on male health.
This concentrated extract from Butea Superba’s root contains significant levels of
flavonoids and flavonols.
Application and Uses :
● Stimulates Sexual Libido
● Encourages Stronger Orgasms
● Increased Blood Flow
● Increased Muscle Tone, Strength, and Energy
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